Wednesday, 7 November 2012

The People's IEA debate

The twittersphere goes crazy when there's an IEA encounter or debate going on. It has led to a couple worldwide trends coming out of Ghana. That's a big feat considering how small Ghana is as a country and how even smaller it is amongst the internet population.

All the top bloggers and simply interested Ghanaians all have something to say as to the quality of the answers given. I do too! So I was thinking, we should all take a question that you think wasn't answered well, or that you have another answer for, take 3 minutes of your time and record an answer to it. 

Essentially this is an expansion of the "If I were President..." question in the Ghana Decides Tag.

For instance, in the IEA VP debate I felt the question concerning women, children and disabled could be answered better. So I will post a video saying what I would do (if President/VP).

This is just to gauge where people stand ideologically. Often the jargon at these events is too removed from the ordinary person, so I want to help make this election the result of a 2 way conversation between the electorate and the politicians.

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