Sunday, 13 October 2013

Something Beginning With GH

Leaving Date: 30th October.

This leaving malarkey is very weird. I've informed a few people. People who rely on me for things, and neighbours and my pastor but only some of my family, only some of my friends. I'm not sure if it's quite real yet and it's very scary. It's very possible that this year doesn't become what I expect of it y'know. I have all these ideas of things I want to do in life and my sister tells me I gotta work on becoming ABC in order to do XYZ so when I had focused all this attention on the XYZs that I was really excited about one day doing, I've now gotta divert my attention to the perhaps more boring, more difficult task of evolving into ABC whatever that may be.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Health costs

Make sure your vaccinated. Take all precautions! But just know that it's bloody expensive to be healthy. Yellow Fever costs upwards of £50, The full Rabies course can cost upwards of £150, some as high as £240 the NHS says between £120-£150 which is lies. They clearly have not done their research because I didn't find anything cheaper than £150.

My weekly malaria tablets cost £7.85, so this week cost me on the whole £207.85 and I'm not yet sure I've been given all possible jabs.

Yellow fever is crucial for going to Ghana. Rabies is advised for long stay.